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iLuv’s Selfy puts a great name on the meme of the moment

Last updated on July 23, 2020

I’ve long been a fan of functional cases and covers (although sometimes they can be a little too integrated to the product if they are an accessory). Differentiation is particularly important in the oversaturated market for iPhone cases, that can now be had for the price of some MakerBot filament. So kudos to iLuv for getting the brand name Selfy — Hollywood’s current infatuation — for its camera with integrated remote shutter. The product hearkens back to the iPhone case with integrated Bluetooth headset that was offered by MoGo. The selfie is starting to move into the limelight with smartphones like the HTC One M8 starting to give a bit more love (and resolution) to the front-facing camera. Ultimately, though, the remote shutter is likely going to wind up on one of those Bluetooth key chain devices along with a key finder and other functions.