Last updated on July 23, 2020
eBay today brought out the A-team copywriters with its assertion that it will make “inspiration shoppable.” Personalization was probably the biggest theme of the day with the expected healthy dollop of mobile and a heavy sprinkling of factoids about eBay customers. But in the end, three takeaways were
- geographical expansion of eBay now, the instant-delivery service reminiscent of Kozmo of yore
- Feed, a new eBay meld of browsing and search that resembles a Pinterest board.
- a revamped item listing page with integrated PayPal to streamline the checkout process. PayPal, of course, was on its own roadshow last holiday season showing off how it intends to compete as a versatile e-wallet provider.
But there’s nothing that can wind up a prolonge presentation like a good concept video. eBay’s was heavy on augmented reality, showing different scenarios in which consumers could use their handsets to to identify the value of things needing to be sold, shopped for or donated in real=time or identify auto parts for their vehicles. The more curious part of the video, though, was when a woman virtually tried on outfits in a store window and then had a mini-map locate the location of the object in the mall. For all the bashing eBay did of the value of real estate, it appears it intends to expand its brick-and-mortar ambitions.