Offering a tablet makes sense if you’re a bookstore, especially if you’re a bookstore that has successfully transitioned into other media services. But that doesn’t mean that every retailer has to have its own tablet. Best Buy was actually somewhat early on the 7″ bandwagon in offering an exclusive on the unfortunately unpopular Wi-Fi-only HTC Flyer. However, it is late to throw its Insignia hat into a ring that will include the Kindle Fire and Nook attacking from below and Windows 8 tablets and hybrids from above.
It’s an odd show of confidence in Amdroid tablets from a company that knows well how poorly many of them are selling. Still, the Insignia Flex appears to have an attractive design; we’ll have to see where pricing lines up but $250 to $299 is probably a good bet as is a relatively stock Android build (apart from perhaps CinemaNow). There are still those who prefer the 4:3 aspect ratio of a tablet. While there have been many announcements of 9.7″ Android tablets following the demise of the Touchpad, few have seen significant distribution.
Via Engadget