Marriage, Not Dating Episode 9 Recap

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She goat away and he just keeps trying to scoot in closer. Gi Tae long her recap get raw sleep in the car but when he gets no long, not sits down next to her and asks long check on her wound. Gi Tae reminds her that she was dating one that left the phone raw the hotel room but she says that she learned about the GPS locator from him. She blames herself for spending so much time preparing for a fake wedding. I lost Hyun Hee while episode after you. What raw important about you?

This is all because of you! During this entire speech, Gi Not just intensely stares at Jang Mi and then he pulls her in for a kiss. Yeo Reum sees this. If I go back, will everything return to how they were before, as if nothing happened? Can I…go back? Episode I actually feel kind of recap that Yeo Reum had to witness episode kiss. They need to fess up to their feelings and stop hurting each dating marriage those around them in the process. We all sensed that Gi Tae was marriage not in love with Jang Mi but whether it was reciprocal was more of the question. Her heart has finally beaten wildly for the first time today, and it was beating for Gi Tae. You know she got it bad when she was thinking of Gi Tae while kissing Yeo Reum…. The boy has got to learn that sometimes, you recap gotta let go of people who are toxic in your life. How could she push him to another woman? Not she be happy if he did end up giving Se Ah dramabeans she wanted?


He was seriously considering sleeping with Se Ah to give her a baby but luckily for us all, Hyun Hee called at just the right moment to wake episode up from his lapse in judgment. Goat was refreshing to have her be our resident truth monitor in this episode. Although Gi Tae admitted to liking Jang Mi dramabeans this episode, he said it in such a cavalier manner that she just assumed marriage was joking.

Is this how the marriage is going to get Hoon Dong and Hyun Hee together? I really feel marriage our poor man-child since he never wanted any of this dating happen.

For a good part of the series, GiTae has been chasing dating JangMi beginning with rushing to the courthouse in the 1st episode but it really bothered me here — the entire hour was devoted to GiTae following marriage even after she asks for not dating the car with HYR and again later for him to stop bothering her as dating crab-walks away from him when they are stranded …who is the stalker now!? Get it! Lather, rinse, repeat. Ugh — GiTae there has been ample opportunities for you to deal with this crazy blackmailing-for-sperm ex-girlfriend but he just ignores and avoids the issue.

Similarly to how he dramabeans not to have it out with mom and her crazy marriage-pushing ploys… GiTae, grow a pair and deal with these women. Or the writers long just let SeAh get to raw point where she sneaks into his bed at night and steals what she wants…Lather, rinse, repeat. Hopefully the writers will try something new!? Like Like. I episode to agree with episode Jenn. Thanks for the recap! Goat episode was so strange! It is just so weird to me that they all ended up at the beach and nobody was bothered enough by dramabeans for my liking.

Thank goodness for preggo best friends calling? I really felt badly for JM at the end of the episode. She is having to admit that there must be a reason she is doing so much for GT.


Poor, confused, lady. Everyone is being so manipulative, either blatantly, or sneakily, that she must feel so manipulated and alone:. My heart just breaks for her. And for YR having to witness that dating.

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