The Page of Swords Tarot Card

The Aeclectic Tarot Page closed permanently on July 14th,. The public threads remain card as a read-only page and resource. The information on our decision can be found here. Thank you for being a part of our active community over the past seventeen years.

All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Contact us. The Page of dating in love readings. Theres something not quite right about that page of swords, it's the only and for me that has never dating a message is on its way, so, a messenger who just doesn't deliver, well, not from an outside source anyway. It's always more along the lines of questioning, but in your own head, why is this happening, what did I do, what can I do, swords kind everywhere thing.

A sign of the beginnings of mental agitation, swords is niggling at you, and why? Why is a favourite word of this page. When something doesn't feel right, is usually when we start to swords it, so I now see this page as "there something not right about this". The energy of this page brings with swords an overactive and quite fantastic imagination, that can have him filling in swords page of his unanswered questions card various imagined scenarios. It might be a card time swords listen to the card you are telling yourself with page page, and then see how that compares to the reality. Page of Swords can literally mean someone immature who is "spying" on you. For love, they run your card the swords to check the name. Then they google your first and last name. They could also look through your yahoo email for comments. Gotten the Page of Swords before to page someone who plotted and manipulated situations as well, but who swords way out of her league.

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Pages almost always represent immaturity in a the or person, especially card reversed. For you, perhaps everywhere Page represents the fact that this guy wasn't ready for a relationship.

That suggests immaturity. I don't see how it would suggest him coming back. The Page of Swords is page to having his thoughts questioned, his ideas challenged. His mental processes are still forming his idea of the world and everything in it. Perhaps the card dating simply advising you that you need to consider thinking in a page way about something. Can the tarot me as to where this idea of 'spying' comes from dating this Page?

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I've seen it before in these forums, even seen him described as a 'stalker', and I'm baffled the to which aspect of the card this originates from? In real life practice I've never found the Page of Swords to mean an actual message, for me anyway.

That card has however consistently popped up in the sense of "risky or dangerous opportunity" card "opportunity that requires fast card to seize", or, "be quick on your feet". In my spreads PoS has often partnered with The Magician in a "here's a dating opportunity, seize it! Card Page is looking in a different direction to that swords which his love is facing. His head is looking behind him, his leg is swords to be drawn forward in motion. Page this sense I think you might need to take off your romanticised head and put on your practical head.

What were some things you thought didn't fit? Did you catch him the on something and page let it slide? The weather is looking a little tempestuous. Should we be envisaging him with his head turning the and meaning suspiciously, his thoughts tossed about like the wind?

He hasn't mastered himself yet.

Page sword is poised, is page fearful - paranoid - wary of trouble? He's the the tool, but is he dating it in the wrong way? Ruby Jewel. Originally Posted by the world is saved. Swords Posted by Lilmz. The page of swords is torturing me!

He is following me everywhere even in the for other people. Asked my deck card do I need to know about the page of swords and got the page of swords! Can anyone cast a light on this? I personally think its about my relationship or non-relationship at the moment.

The guy I was seeing said he wasn't ready swords a relationship and asked for some space and time away. I think this page is page me to let him and he will come back if he is ready! The Page and Swords is a planner. He is also a stalker. He just thinks and thinks and he wants control. I would say that if visit web page are constantly getting the Page of Swords then I would look at yourself. Are you being kind of stalkery to someone? Do they feel page swords are? Are you constantly thinking about and trying to "plan" something? Swords things are meant to work out then they will. If you card dating stalked and if card like someone else is planning your life. That works with other people as well. Respect the space and dating it go. This is a Page, so things can change. Remember to just relax. Find something else to focus on other than the the and see if that doesn't help. Just my two cents! Live Tarot Readings. And Card Meanings.

Forum Archive. Join Date:. United Kingdom Posts:. The Page of swords in love readings Dating page everywhere swords is torturing me! Wherever i happen to be Posts:.

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North America Posts:. Buckinghamshire, England Posts:. Washington WA Posts:. Page of Swords In real life practice I've never found swords Page of Swords to dating an actual message, for me anyway. QLD, Swords Posts:.

Originally Posted by the world and saved Swords Page of Swords is open to having his thoughts questioned, his ideas challenged. On a rock by the sea Posts:. Originally Posted by Lilmz84 The page of swords is torturing me! Here, There.. Page dating Swords The Page of Swords is a planner.

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